pupil premium
We think creatively to design bespoke projects to suit the needs of each child eligible, so that they are able to overcome barriers and make accelerated progress in their greatest areas of need.
Since April 2015, Nursery Schools have been able to receive extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium grant. All our parents are encouraged to apply to check their eligibility for Early Years Pupil Premium. If their child is eligible, then nursery receives £100 per term to support the child’s learning and development. The Early Years Pupil Premium provides us with extra funding to ensure that your child reaches their full potential in the curriculum areas they need it the most. This will provide them with a strong foundation to start Reception in September.
We think that it is essential that every Early Years Pupil Premium project we run involves parents because when we work in together children make more sustainable progress. Parents are fully involved in the process which is outlined in the diagram below;
​Full details on how the Early Years Pupil Premium money is spent across the different projects are published each academic year on this website.