parents as partners
Parents/Carers are welcome to share their child’s Nursery experience in a variety of ways:
Sharing information during home visits.
Talking informally with staff at the beginning and end of sessions.
Coming to Consultation Days to chat about your child’s progress.
Sharing in Circle Times.
Informing the office of any change of address or phone number.
Supporting fund raising events.
Choosing a book with your child every day to share at home.
Reading and sharing weekly newsletters and letters home.
We are always here to help support your family particularly if you have problems.
Our staff will offer a listening ear and signpost you to any support you may need. We will be working closely with other agencies such as SureStart and Health Visitors to offer training, so please let us know if you want support or guidance on any matter.
Parents can request a paper copy of the information provided on the school website, free of charge, by contacting the school office.