3 language learning principles
At Fullbrook we focus heavily on children learning to communicate and developing a board, rich vocabulary.
Children with good language become adults who are more likely to…
Achieve well in exams and succeed in education,
Progress onto college and university,
Have good mental health,
Positive behaviour and empathy for others
Be social and confident
At Fullbrook, the adults all follow three simple principles, that you can do this at home too;
Be a language magnet
Find a quiet space to talk, at opportunities throughout the day,
Limit distractions, such as an iPad of TV
Get down at their level
Make eye contact
Hold their attention
Be a language magnet
Find a quiet space to talk, at opportunities throughout the day,
Limit distractions, such as an iPad of TV
Get down at their level
Make eye contact
Hold their attention
Be a conversation partner
Take repeated turns in conversation
Aim for at least for 5 turns
Talk about the world around them, books, TV, anything and everything!

For children our bilingual children
For our children where English is an additional language it is important that they learn to speak her home language in a rich and fluid way. If you speak another language at home, ensure that you do this lots in order for your child to be able to learn their home language proficiently. Give clear instructions, name objects and explain their purpose, sing songs and tell stories. Often it is best if English is just taught at Nursery.
Limit Technology
Children cannot learn language or how to communicate from the television or an Ipad/smart phone. Lots of research has shown that this technology use has a negative impact on children’s talking and social skills.
We will be holding a parent workshop during the Autumn to share ideas on supporting your child’s communication development.