The Fullbrook Hive is a purpose build environment used by our nursery aged children who stay after their morning session has finished. The Hive, was built in Spring 2023, it provides a comfortable environment for the children to relax, play and socialise after their busy morning or afternoon in nursery. The Hive provides a space away from the main nursery and offers toys, soft furnishings and furniture a bit more like home.
Parent's either pay for additional sessions or access funding to support extended hours. There are different methods of funding are available to families, for more information please see all funding options within our parent's section.

opening times
The Hive is open from:
8.00 - 8.30am for breakfast and registration
11.30 - 2.00pm for lunch followed by wellbeing and enrichment activites
3.30 - 4.00pm for afterschool snack and relaxation time
Shellaine and Catherine are the nursery practitioners who lead our extended hours until 2.00pm, with the support of Tracey, Sharon and Claire afterschool. All staff are familiar to children as they work within their nursery session.​