nurture NEST
The Nurture Nest Provision, provides more specialist support for children, who at their current stage of development, need higher levels of adult support and a personalised environment in order to flourish and make progress. Often these children and families are being supported by the Children’s Development Centre, Speech and Language Therapy or other specialist agencies.
The Nurture Nest provides an environment that has higher adult to child ratios, dependent on the needs of the children, typically this is 1:2/1:3. The practitioners within the Den are very experienced in working with children to support their social communication, language development and play skills. They use a wide range of support strategies like Makaton, visual time lines, personalised passports, Language Aided Boards and social stories.
The Nurture Nest also offers:
A reduction in noise and fewer distractions due to there being fewer children, which lowers anxieties and increases conditions for learning, interaction and communication.
Adult time and resources to deliver 1:1 communication and interaction interventions including TAC PAC and work stations.
Increased access to specific resources to support cognition development through their senses, schemas, cause and effect/trial and error testing.
Closer observation to keep them safe and support to develop greater independence.
Access to our Early Communication Toy library, so that parents can borrow toys with interaction prompts/activities that will support early communication and cognitive development at home.
Individual SEND support plan to support the Graduated Response.
Individual language support programme produced in collaboration with parents and a speech and language therapist.
Intensive early intervention teaching through highly frequent interactions and communication support strategies.